Fur is in Demand!

Demand for fur is going up.  Many people are being drawn towards natural and sustainable products again. This is very good news for anyone practising traditional activities on the land. When our current inventory is sold, we may have to increase our prices.  This photo is Bren wearing a coat that will last her lifetime, made from lynx that we harvested ethically and sustainably.

For many years fur prices were low due to volumes of misinformation being spread. Unfortunately, our government involvement in the management of our fur resource dwindled as there was little revenue coming into the government accounts from fur. This resulted in mismanagement of wildlife as the government didn’t care. Thankfully there were still many dedicated people in the fur industry who wanted to manage and protect the animal populations. With fur coming back into demand again this is great news for the animals. When they have more monetary value our government will have more incentive to protect the habitat and spend money on studies. With higher prices those of us that value animals for more than just their monetary value will be better able to protect wild animal populations.

Those of us that are engaged with nature by harvesting and observing are the true guardians of the land. We are the voice for nature to the millions of people who do not have the opportunity to live with nature. As the demand for natural products increases so does the incentive to manage and enhance the wild animal populations.

When you buy from us not only are you supporting a traditional culture, you are also helping the animal populations.

Ghost Lynx

We call the above image the ghost lynx. This photo is one little snapshot of life in the forest. This is the first time we have posted a picture of a catch from the trapline. We have not posted pictures from the trapline because we didn’t want to offend anyone. And then it occurred to us that this is our culture, our heritage, and our tradition. We want to share the real nature with anyone who is interested. We want to share who we are, what we do and why we do it. If someone doesn’t understand our lifestyle, they can respectfully ask us questions.

You can see a rabbit track right beside this lynx. The rabbit doesn’t fear the lynx anymore. Maybe the rabbit knew the lynx wasn’t alive or because it was frozen and under the snow the rabbit couldn’t sense it anymore. Lynx’s diet is mostly rabbit, so rabbits are always watching out for the next lynx that is trying to eat it. The lynx that ate rabbits and grew big and strong from eating rabbits is now destined for a different journey. The rabbit that hopped by is now safe from this lynx and will perhaps produce some young rabbits. Some of which will produce more rabbits before they also become food for lynx and other predators. The cycle never ends in nature. Some die and more are born and grow up and they will eventually die also. And through death they nourish others.

The Journey to Launch this Site

It has been a journey getting our online store going. This picture is on the road to our RFMA (trapline and cabin). Most accomplishments in life are a journey and so it is every time we go to the bush or build something such as this site.

We have been talking about an online store for many years and working on it for over two years. We took a break from our site building for over a year because, well, life happens. A few months ago we got back on the path toward completing this journey.

We had a lot of help building this site from CE Solutions Ltd. of Hinton, Alberta. They showed much professionalism, and a lot of patience with us, especially with us starting and stopping work on the project. Thanks to Chase, Josh and everyone at CE Solutions; we couldn’t have launched this site without your expertise and support.

We’ve been building this little business while both working fulltime jobs and spending time with our friends & families.

I started selling tanned fur from my trapline about 30 years ago. We have gradually evolved with some stores selling our products on consignment, going to a few markets, then creating this online store. Bren saw the potential in my little tanned fur sales business and started helping me. I was very happy to have her on board. There is no way it would have grown to this without Bren’s assistance. Bren and I make a great team and because we have different skill sets we complement each other and work together well.

We hope you find something of interest here for you. Even if the products are not what you’re looking for, keep coming back to read our little stories. Our intention is to also share our experiences from this wonderous and beautiful country we live in. Bren and I both love nature and want to share pictures and stories of our experiences with you.

Remember to check for new products. If you don’t see products that you think would be good for us to carry, drop us a line and let us know. We are always open to new ideas. We plan on adding many more interesting products.


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