The Journey to Launch this Site

It has been a journey getting our online store going. This picture is on the road to our RFMA (trapline and cabin). Most accomplishments in life are a journey and so it is every time we go to the bush or build something such as this site.
We have been talking about an online store for many years and working on it for over two years. We took a break from our site building for over a year because, well, life happens. A few months ago we got back on the path toward completing this journey.
We had a lot of help building this site from CE Solutions Ltd. of Hinton, Alberta. They showed much professionalism, and a lot of patience with us, especially with us starting and stopping work on the project. Thanks to Chase, Josh and everyone at CE Solutions; we couldn’t have launched this site without your expertise and support.
We’ve been building this little business while both working fulltime jobs and spending time with our friends & families.
I started selling tanned fur from my trapline about 30 years ago. We have gradually evolved with some stores selling our products on consignment, going to a few markets, then creating this online store. Bren saw the potential in my little tanned fur sales business and started helping me. I was very happy to have her on board. There is no way it would have grown to this without Bren’s assistance. Bren and I make a great team and because we have different skill sets we complement each other and work together well.
We hope you find something of interest here for you. Even if the products are not what you’re looking for, keep coming back to read our little stories. Our intention is to also share our experiences from this wonderous and beautiful country we live in. Bren and I both love nature and want to share pictures and stories of our experiences with you.
Remember to check for new products. If you don’t see products that you think would be good for us to carry, drop us a line and let us know. We are always open to new ideas. We plan on adding many more interesting products.